This website took a year to create. A great deal of thought and preparation went into the writing of the text. Thousands of pictures were examined in an arduous selection process.

None of this would have been possible were it not for my father and mentor, Dr. Elliot Feinberg and his mentor Dr. I. Franklin Miller. These pioneers in restorative dentistry formed the foundation for everything that I am and the dentistry that I have to offer.

Thanks are in order to my consultants and advisors for their help with this project: Ms. Tammy Holmes, Mr. Paul Herrerras and Ms. Irene Doti. My staff members have been a source of guidance and inspiration for me: Mrs. Josephine Furnari, Mrs. Denise Lubowsky, Mrs. Sandra Pugliese, Mrs. Sally Ann Perrotta, Mr. Dave Gresta and Mr. JD Giordano. I am deeply grateful to my accountant, Mr. Jim Cardillo, for his help and support. Inspiration and guidance also came from my sister, Ms. Andi Feinberg and from my mother, Ms. Lita Feinberg.

I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to my digital marketing consultant and webmaster, Mr. Rob Shapiro [website]. We spent countless hours together in painstaking work for this project. Thank you for your magnificent artistry, dedication and care that soar above and beyond the call of duty.

Lastly, I am eternally grateful for the collaboration with my fellow officers of the Online World Academy of Restorative Dentistry ( ): Dr. Michael Beck, Dr. John Constantine, Dr. Michael Teitelbaum and Dr. Janet Zaiff.